Cisco Three Tier Architecture

Cisco Three Layer Model

Ø Access Layer

Ø Distribution Layer

Ø Core Layer

Access Layer

     Ã¼  Also called desktop layer
ü  End user are connected
ü  User and resources are locally available
ü  Entry point to the network
ü  Bottom most layer at the Cisco hierarchical model
ü  Devices available are: switches, hubs, etc. 

Distribution Layer 

ü  Primary functions are: -routing, filtering, and WAN access.
ü  Other functions are: -
o   Aggregation of access layer devices;
o   Routing traffic to provide departmental or workgroup access;
o   Segmenting the network in to multiple broadcast/multicast domains;
o   Translating between different media types, such as Token Ring and Ethernet;
o   Providing security and filtering services;
o   After choosing the path, forwards the request to the Core layer. 

Core Layer

ü  Also called backbone layer
ü  Switches traffic to the appropriate service (e.g. e-mail, internet access, videoconfrencing)
ü  Provides quick transport to the desired enterprise service.

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