Fundamental of Computers


 A computer is an electronic device which can read and write, compute and compare store and process large volume of data with high speed, accuracy and reliability. A Computer has many components like Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Memory, Printer and most important the Central Brain Unit which serves as the brain of the computer system on the whole. The basic Organization of a computer includes the following:


1)     Speed: - speed is the most important characteristics of computer system. Fast speed of calculations and storing of information, all is done by computer without loosing their accuracy. They can be made to work without giving any rest. It is measured in terms of instructions per second (IPS).
2)     Storage: - we can store information in our brain for future use. In the same way computer can also store data for future use.
3)     Accuracy: - computers are accurate; it acts as per our instructions on the data supplied by us. Most of the mistakes or errors are because of the feeding wrong data or instruction.
4)     Diligence: - unlike humans, computers never get tiered or bored. It can do repetitive work any number of times.
5)     Automatic: - a computer works automatically once program are stored and data is given to it. It does not require constant supervision from the operator
6)    Versatile: - Computers seem capable of doing almost any task that can be reduced to a series of logical steps. Compute is versatile tool. It can change over to various types of jobs within a very short span of time. One moment, it is preparing the results of particular examination, the next moment it is busy preparing electricity bills and in between it may be helping an office secretary to trace an important letter in seconds.
     7) Database: - The use of computer in business organization facilitates         establishment of database, which reduces data redundancy

1)     It needs electricity to work.
2)     It has limited memory.
3)     It needs operator or human being to control or work on it.
4)     Virus can affect and crash the system
5)     Without software computer can not work



 1) According to size
 2) According to configuration

 a) Mini computer: The hardware of a minicomputer is not as standard of PC’s   . It is medium sized computer running a multitasking operating system capable of managing more than one hundred users simultaneously.  Some distinguished features are:
·        suitable for used in small companies/ govt. departments
·        Mainly uses 16/32 bit microprocessor
·        1 mb ram which can be increased to 5-6 MB 
·        e.g.:-  laptop, palm top
b) Mainframe computer:  Mainframes are generally more powerful than a typical mini computer. It is a large, fast, multi-user operating system, often utilizing multiple processors, designed to manage large amount of data and complex computing tasks. Main frames are normal installed in large corporation, universities or military installation. Some distinguished features are:
·        all brain at one central location
·        32/64 bit addressing
·        large amount of RAM and storage capacity
·        large no. of users
·        e.g.:- used for weather forecasting
c) Micro computer: A Micro computer is a single processor computer, which is of von Neumann architecture. It has one input and one output unit directly connected to C.P.U (with single CU, single ALU, and limited base memory). It is the smallest and least expensive class o f computers.
         e.g.:- desktop computers, laptop, palm top


a)     Analog computer :- Analog computer is a data device that operates data in the form of continuously variable , physical quantities such as voltage, current, temperature etc. these are generally used for process control application in space and industry.
b)    Digital computers: - a Digital computer is a device that manipulates discrete data and performs arithmetic and logic operations on data. Digital computers use binary digits that Is 0’s and 1’s for their operation
c)     Hybrid computer: - It is a combination of analog and digital computer, where the analog signal is converted into digital means 0, 1 language. For e.g.: when we use access the internet by telephone. in telephone data is converted 


1)     Telecommunication: - use of computer in telecommunication has changed the world, and made it as small for the people as every one can contact each other.
2)     Railway: - in railway, computerization has made the reservation procedure easier.
3)     Banking: - computerization has made the procedure fast and secure.
4)     Computers are also used in weather forecasting purpose.
5)     Internet: - it has become a gift for the people, as through this we can contact to the other person anywhere world wide.
6)     Computers are widely used in the field of education, training and research and development.
7)   Doctors use computer technology for the diagnosis purpose.Computers are widely used in space and research purpose.
8)     Architects use the computers to draw layers and design of the building.



HARDWARE: - A Computer is an electronic device which performs arithmetic and logical operation on the input data to produce an output. Each of these functions requires some physical devices which constitute the hardware of the computer.In addition to the physical device the computer also requires a set of instruction that specify how the input is to be processed called the software.


These functions of a computer are to accept input, process the data and give the output.

SOFTWARE: - For the computer to perform any task, it needs to be given a set of command to perform the task; these command or instructions are called as SOFTWARE.                                            Or
It is the set of programs designed and developed to make the computer an intelligent computing device. Without the software the computer system is a dumb machine 
1. Input Unit: The data is entered using an input device such as a Keyboard or a Mouse.
2. Brain Unit: The computer processes the data according to a set of instructions called Program.
3. Output: The computer returns the processed information in the form of output that can either be printed or displayed on the output devices like Printer or Monitor.
4. Memory: The computer saves the data and the instructions in the memory for further retrieval.


An input device presents data to the brain unit in a machine-readable form.

Key board
The keyboard is very much like a standard typewriter keyboard with a few additional keys. The additional keys are included to perform certain special functions such as loading a program, edition a text, etc. These are known as function keys that vary in number from system to system.

Mouse is a device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. As you move the mouse, the pointer on the display screen moves in the same direction. Mouse contains at least one button and sometimes as many as three, which have different functions depending on what program is running.


Output devices receive information from the CPU and present it to the user in the desired form.  Output devices include display screen, loudspeakers, printers, plotters, etc.
1. Visual Display Screen: It is the standard output device which is similar to a television screen. It displays the characters.  The user can read the program line by line and make corrections before it is stored or printed on a printer.  The cursor on the screen is controlled by the cursor keys on the keyboard. It has following different types:
v  CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Monitor: Monochrome i.e., two Color only and the color monitor
v LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Monitor
v  TFT (Thin Film Transistor) Monitor
v LED (Light Emitting Diode) Monitor


It is an output device which is used to see the results on a paper and prints text or illustrations on paper and in many cases on transparencies and other media. When the printer receives the electrical signal it converts each string in the code into the corresponding letter or number and types the character. The result is called HARD COPY. Wide range of printers varying in quality and speed are available. Some of the popular types are dot matrix, daisy wheel, line, laser printer. A printer is either Impact or Non-Impact.
Impact Printer: Any printer which produces lot of noise pollution, use mechanical components like wheels and pins etc is called Impact Printer. It also consumes more electricity.
Non-Impact Printer: Any printer which produces no noise pollution, use electro-mechanical components like electronic-circuits and Microprocessor etc is called Non-Impact Printer. It consumes negligible amount of electricity. In terms of the technology utilized, printers fall into the following categories.


System software:

It is also the set of program, which are necessary for the computer system itself. The system software helps the user to actually operate the computer system. It is responsible to make the computer system operational and to control, operate and to manage the peripheral devices.
Categories of system software are:
1.     Operating system: - ms-dos, window, Linux, Unix
2.     Language translator: - compiler and interpreter
3.     Device driver: - mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, web camera
4.     Tools and utilities: - virus scanner
5.     Communication Protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, Telnet

Application software

It is also the set of programs designed and developed to solve one specific problem in our day-to-day life. Such as word brain software, graphics or spreadsheet analysis.
Categories of Application software are:
1.     Pre-written application software: - It is generally the integrated software suit, which is available in market as the readymade or already designed application software. e.g. - Ms-dos, e-mail program, web browser, and 2d/3d drawing program.
2.     Customized application software: - When the user designed and developed the software for him for the specific problem. It is called customized or tailored application software. e.g., payroll system, library information system, banking transaction system, hospital information system, examination and result brain system.

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