Introduction to server (DNS and DHCP)

Introduction (Overview) Windows Server 2003

Microsoft Windows 2003 Advanced Server is basically a network operating system (NOS) designed to setup, configure, manage and to run the Client/Server network based on Windows platforms ( Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista). This is very much similar to other Multiuser operating systems such as LINUX, UNIX and NetWare etc. Windows 2003 Advanced Server operating system has become popular to setup the LANs, Intranet and Internet Servers (ISP) as well as Web Servers. This Operating system is available in following categories:
1. Enterprise Edition    2. Standard Edition     
3. Web Edition               4. Datacenter Edition

Windows 2003 Advanced Server can be configured in many different roles, which are as follows: 1. File Server    2. Application Server (IIS)         3. Active Directory (Domain Controller), 4. Print Server,           5. DHCP Server,        6. Terminal Server,       7. Mail Server,  8. Streaming Media Server
What is Active Directory
It is a Windows-based directory service. Active Directory stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators. Active Directory gives network users access to permitted resources (ftp site, Web site and printer etc.) anywhere on the network using a single logon process.
It provides network administrators with an intuitive, hierarchical view of the network and a single point of administration for all network objects.

DHCP Overview

DHCP is the abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a TCP/IP service protocol that offers dynamic leased configuration of host IP addresses. It is an IP standard designed to reduce the complexity of administering address configuration. It provides safe, reliable, and simple TCP/IP network configuration.It  prevents address conflicts, and helps conserve the use of client IP addresses on the network.
DHCP uses a client/server model where the DHCP server maintains centralized management of IP addresses that are used on the network. DHCP clients request and obtain lease of an IP address as part of their network boot process.
DHCP terminology
1. Scope: A scope is the full consecutive range of possible IP addresses for a network. Scopes typically define a single physical subnet in our network (Class C/B/A).
2. Address pool: In a DHCP scope, the remaining addresses are eligible for dynamic assignment by the server to DHCP clients on your network--leaving exclusion ranges.
3. Lease: A lease is a length of time that a DHCP server specifies, during which a client computer can use an assigned IP address. When a lease is made to a client, the lease is active. Before the lease expires, the client typically needs to renew its address lease assignment with the server. A lease becomes inactive when it expires or is deleted at the server. The duration for a lease determines when it will expire and how often the client needs to renew it with the server
4. Exclusion Range: An exclusion range is a limited sequence of IP addresses within a scope.
5. Multicast: The process of sending a message simultaneously to more than one destination on a network.
6. Unicast: An address that identifies a specific, globally unique host.
7. Broadcast: The process of sending a message simultaneously to all the destinations on a network and other hosts.

Steps to Install DHCP

1. Install & Configure the TCP/IP settings using Ethernet Adapter (NIC)
        a. IP Address                   :
        b. Subnet                         : (SubNet of 23 = 8 hosts only)
        c. Default Gateway         :

2.     Start-->Programs-->Administrative Tools-->Manage  Your Server
3.  Run "Add or Remove a role" link
4.  Check the preliminary steps and confirm "NEXT"
5.  Select between Typical & Custom configuration
     (Better is "Custom") --> Next
6.  Select DHCP Server --> Next --> Next
7.  New Scope creating wizard --> Next
8.  Specify Name and Description for the New Scope
9.  Specify the IP Address Range:
     Start IP Address: (, End IP Address:  (
     Length:  (29 Bits out 32 bits),        Subnet Mask: (
10. Add Exclusion range (Optional) -- -->Add -->Next
11. Set the Lease Duration in Days & Hours -->Next
12. Configure DHCP options -->Yes-->Next
13. Set the IP address for Router or Default Gateway-->Add --> Next
14. Specify the Domain information: Name: such as ""
        Server Computer Name: Student,   IP Address:
        Resolve --> Add -> Next
15. Specify WINS Server details (Optional) --> Next
16. Activate Scope --> Yes (Now) --> Next
17. Finish

Domain Name System (DNS)
It is a hierarchical, distributed database that contains mappings of domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses.  DNS enables the location of computers and services by user-friendly names, and it also enables the discovery of other information stored in the database.

DNS Terminology 
In DNS, any tree or sub-tree within the DNS namespace is a Domain. DNS domains often correspond to a collection of computer, user, and group objects, defined by the administrator. These objects share a common directory database, security policies, and security relationships with other domains.

Domain Name
The name given by an administrator to a collection of networked computers--that share a common directory. Part of the DNS naming structure, domain names consist of a sequence of name labels separated by periods.
Popular domain names are:
1. By Generic (in USA only): .edu, .com, .net, .org, .mil, .int, .gov
2. By Country (All over the world): it is of only two letters, such as, .in (India), .jp (Japan), .ch (China), .ru (Russia), .uk (England), .au (Australia) and .ca (Canada) etc.
What is Domain Controller?
In a TCP/IP network, its is a server that contains a writable copy of the DNS database. Domain Controller participates in "network resources directory" replication, and controls access to network resources.
Administrators can manage user accounts, network access, shared resources, site topology, and other directory objects from any domain controller in the forest.
Top-level domains (TLD)
There are eight top-level domains most often used on the Internet to classify organizations by type, when they register a second-level domain name for use. For example, .com, .edu, .net, and .mil etc.
How To Register a Web Site in DNS (Adding A Zone to DNS)
1).    Start-->Run: dnsmgmt.msc
2). Right Click "Forward Lookup Zone"-->New Zone
3). New Zone Wizard-->Next-->Primary Zone-->Next
4). Select "To All Domain Controllers in ADC"-->Next
5). Zone Name:>Next
Allow only secure dynamic updates-->Next-->Finish
6). Right Click on "" under "forward lookup zones"
New Host-->
                a) Name : www
                b) IP address: (Server System)
7). Add Host-->OK-->Done
To confirm the site hosting:
   (from any computer in the network)
 File Server/File Sharing Configuring in Windows OS
File Sharing or Folder Sharing is an important and useful feature in Windows Opearting System family. When a folder is enabled as shared in a network, can be accessed by all network users.
A File Server provides a central location on your network where you can store and share files with users across your network. When users require an important file such as a project plan, they can access the file on the file server instead of having to pass the file between their separate computers. An administrator can collect all the necessary software, tools, utilities and more on File Server to be accessed by himself on different workstations for help, support and troubleshooting.

Steps to install File Server

1. Login as "Administrator"
2. Create Folder (if not exists) / Locate the folder
3. Select the folder and run "Share this folder" from file and folder tasks.
4. Check the "Share this folder" radio button
5. Specify a share name e.g "myfiles"
6. Set the permission for "everyone" a group or other selected users
        choose "Read" and "Change" .

Steps to access the Shared resource (Folder/Printer)
1. If IP Address is known:
    a) Start --> Run : \\
    b) Then select/open and browse the actual target in a window
2. If IP Address is not known but the NetBIOS name:
    a) Start --> Run : \\xpSys14
    b) Then select/open and browse the actual target in a window
3. Use "Windows Explorer"
   a). Right Click "My Network Places"-->Explore
   b) Entire Network-->Microsoft Windows network
   c) Open available "Workgroup" or "Domain" by double click
   d) Then browse for the shared resources in different listed                   computers.

How To Protect Shared resource?

Shared resources on a File Server can be protected as well keeping sharing enable for the users. Sharing concept provides the "permession" prcocedure to add/remove users who can access the resources. For the selected users there are three types of permissions: read, change and full control.
How To Protect Home Folders?
Home folders on a File Server can be protected as well keeping sharing enable for the individual users. Sharing concept provides the "permission" procedure to add/remove users who can access the resources. For the selected users there are three types of permissions: read, change and full control.
 How To Install & Configure IIS 6.0 Web Srever & Web Site

IIS is the acronym for Internet Information Service. It is Microsoft Web Server which requires Ms-Windows OS (e.g., Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server). This web server can be installed and configure by administrator easily and quickly.

Following are the steps on Windows 2003 Server:
1. Run "Manage Your Server" from control panel/administrative tools.
2. Add or Remove a role
3. Configure Your Server Wizard-->Next
4. Select "Application Server" --> Next
5. Application Server Option --> Choose both-->Next
6. Next
7. Applying Selections (automatically)
Note: Make Sure that Windows 2003 Server CD or
          its dump is available to you.
8. Application Server Wizrad -->Finish to complete
How to host a web site?
Note: We have already build web pages and also created hyperlinks and there is one web page with "index.htm" file name.
1. Run "IIS" web server ( e.g. Start-->Run: inetmgr)    2. Click (+) symbol left to Server Name
3. Right Click "Web Site" --> New --> Web Site  4. Web Site Creation Wizard-->Next
5. Web Site Description ( e.g. Educational)-->Next
6. IP Address & Port Setting
        a). All unassigned   b). TCP port : 80 (default)      c). Host Header : ""
7. Web Site Home Directory (Path)       E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\monica
8. Web Site Access permissions:            Read, Run and Execute
9. Web Creation Wizard completes --> Finish
10. Go to DNS to register the web site URL with "forward lookup zone" and "host"
11. Run DNS, start-->run: dnsmgmt.msc
12. Right Click à"Forward Lookup Zone"-->New Zone
13. New Zone Wizard --> Next                              14. Zone Type --> "primary"
15. Active Directory Replication ... -->Next  16. Zone Name: ""-->Next
17. Dynamic update ...-->Next                               18. Finish
19. Right Click Newly created zone under              "forward lookup zone"-->New Host
20.   a) Name: www        b) FQDN : c) IP Address:
21. Add Host --> OK --> DONE
Confirm by sending a request to DNS servers as (URL) follows:
Anywhere in the local domain (Intranet)

Installing Linux ( RedHat EL)


Step first:
Make sure that free disk space or unpartitioned disk of the size of at least 10 GB exists.
To cheek boot your computer in XP/2000
Login as administrator
Start à runàcompmgmt.msc(ok)

Select “disk management” in left pane of computer management window
If free space box is displayed in right pane—then it’s ok (u can install Linux)

If no free space is displayed:
U have to delete either D: or E: or F: existing any one drive to create free space on the disk(0) or disk(1) etc.
(Before deleting any drive from bottom portion of right windowpane of computer management move (cut/paste) all the important data to another drive.

Step 2:
Insert Linux cd1 in CDROM drive
Reboot the computer system.

Step 3:
On Linux bottom prompt
boot : _    ( press enter )
          step 4:
          On first GUI screen click “next”
Select the language u like to use during the installation process (by default English)
Click “next”
          Select the appropriate keyboard for the system (by default U.S.English)
          Click “next”
          Select Manual partition to create Linux file system

          In Disk Setup Window:

                   Select “Free Space Bar” which is of large size

                   Click on “New”
Type “/”  in Mount Point input box
File System Type à etx3
Size in MB  :  40000

                   Select “Free Space Bar” which is of large size

                   Click on “New”
Type “/home”  in Mount Point input box
File System Type à etx3
Size in MB:  1000

                   Select “Free Space Bar” which is of large size

                   Click on “New”
Type “/usr” in Mount Point input box
File System Type à etx3
Size in MB:  40000

                   Select “Free Space Bar” which is of large size

                   Click on “New”
Type “/usr/local”  in Mount Point input box
File System Type à etx3
Size in MB:  60000

                   Select “Free Space Bar” which is of large size

                   Click on “New”
File System Type à swap
Size in MB:  1024


          Select “Next” in Disk Setup

Step    (In Boot Loader Configuration)

          Click “Next”


          Define Host Name (if this Linux Machine is a Server in a LAN)
          Click “Next”

          No Fire Wall à Next


          Additional Language à English USA

          Time Zone à Asia Calcutta à Next

          Give “root” password  ( e.g.   enaunacs )

          Package Installation Defaults
          Select "Customize"


          Confirm Required Number of Installation CDs  ( 2 , 3 or 4 )

          Formatting of File System will take place for some time
          After compilation of installation click “Reboot”


After System restart

                   Red Hat Login
                             O tell me why I need to register

                   I can’t complete registration. Remind Me Later

Step ( Create One or More Number of System Users to Login )  It is Optional


Step          Additional CDs { Install } don’t click                  don’t click

          Finish Setup

****************   The End *******************

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